We try to anticipate questions you might have about our organization and provide the answers here. If you need additional information send an email to info@inspireccm.org
1. What is Critical Care Medicine?
Critical Care Medicine (CCM) also known as Intensive Care Medicine is a sub-specialty of medicine that provides the highest standard of care for critically ill patients who require an admission to the Intensive Care Unit due to a potentially life threatening condition.
2. Who is an Intensivist?
An Intensivist is a physician who specilizes in Critical Care Medicine, who has gone through many years of training to obtain the knowledge and clinical skills required to competently care for the critically ill in the Intensive Care Unit.
3. Why it is essential for a critically ill patient to be cared for by an Intensivist while is in the ICU?
Critical Care physicians are experts who know how to provide the highest standard of care for the ICU patient. Many studies have shown that an intensivist-led multi-disciplinary team approach in the delivery of care to a critically ill patient in the ICU achieves the best result possible for the patient. Additionally, any delay in receiving live saving treatment after a patient gets admitted to the Intensive Care Unit is associated with an increased chance of death. Time is of the essence. The presence of an Intensivist led team at the patient’s bedside to provide the standard of care as soon as a patient’s condition becomes critical maximizes the chance of full recovery.